Friday, August 19, 2016

TED Talk Questions

1. What question did Erik pose to the audience?
-  Is this photography?
2. What was Erik's first real passion?
- drawing
3. What conception of photography did Erik previously hold?  
- Being in the right place at the right time, instead of twisting what the pictures look like
4. How did this inspire him?
- He thought that anyone could do that, so he changed his style to be different
5. What common goal do Erik's photos have?
- to retain a level of realism
6. Define realism based on the context:
- looking like something could have actually happened and been captured by the camera, even though it's not
7. What principles did he adhere to while creating his photos?
- combining photographs to make it look like reality with the same lighting, perspective, and making it impossible to distinguish where both images begin and end
8. Why is it easier to create a place than to find a place?
- you don't need to compromise with the ideas in your head
9. How does he plan the photos?
- starts with a sketch, an idea, and then blending photographs
10. What is his conclusion?
- that anyone can do this, but our imagination limits us

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